If you are interested in the Digital Nomad lifestyle and you want to work from an exotic beach doing what you truly enjoy, please read this article. Sharing my story I would like to assure you that whatever you wish is possible…
All you need is a good plan!
When I finished my degree, I had a big dream… I wanted to be a world citizen, feel free, do what I really love, and explore our beautiful earth.
But at that point, I worked in a small Polish company with 24 days of vacation per year and waited for big changes that never came.
I heard about some successful people who are traveling the world and making money online. They are living their best life, unlike some of us who are just stuck in jobs that we hate – following the rules we don’t like and don’t believe in.
These successful people have a name – Digital Nomads!
Digital Nomads have the freedom to live and work wherever they are as they can work online. The most popular destinations that Digital Nomads work from are Thailand (Chiang Mai), Mexico (Playa del Carmen or Mexico City), and Bali.
If you join the Digital Nomad community you can appreciate excellent weather, try the best cuisine, and hang out with like-minded people. You can earn in dollars, euros, or francs but spend in the local currency of the country you are living in, and if you compare for example USA and Thailand this is an enormous monetary difference.
During the pandemic I finally decided – This is my time! It’s now or never!
No… I neither quit my job immediately nor started my life as a Digital Nomad on one of the beaches in the Caribbean Sea.

At that time I thought that I started carefully, but today I can say that I started wisely.
I decided to follow my work in the corporate world until I had saved enough money to be financially independent for a couple of months of joblessness. What was even more important was that I settled to start my own online business in the country that I was living in and was thinking about moving to appropriate digital nomad destinations in a few months.
Here are some points which helped me find my online business ideas! I hope they can assist you too:
- Take a sheet of paper and draw three columns.
- In the first one write all the skills that you have.
- In the second column rate your skills from 1 to 10 based on your experience and knowledge. Say for example that you are a beginner and you just started learning how to design in Figma – put 1 or 2. If you are advanced in Google advertising, value your knowledge at 6 or if you are average, put 4. If you are a sales expert, value this space to 9 or 10.
- Finally, in the third column add the emotional part to each skill – I don’t like / I don’t mind / I like it / I love it!
How to read the results:
If you are a beginner and you don’t like something don’t follow it… But if you are a beginner and you like it, does it mean that you should explore and earn based on it? There is no clear-cut answer.
Once you know what skills you can offer on the market and what you actually want to do, this is time to confront it with the real world. But how to do it, I will show you in the next article of this series!
Please let me know what kind of online business you are thinking about or what are you actually developing in the comments below.